12 June 2021 3610

Hero of Uzbekistan Kuvandik Sanakulov turned 64 years old!

Today, an experienced specialist, statesman and public figure Kuvandik Sanakulov, who made his contribution to the development of not only the country's economy, but also the sports sphere, celebrates his birthday.

Kuvandik Sanakulovich Sanakulov was born on June 12, 1957. After graduating from the polytechnic Institute, he made his way from a young metallurgist to a doctor of technical sciences, a Hero of Uzbekistan. He held the position of head of the NMMC and AGMC, as well as the khokim of the district and Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Currently, he is the General Director of the NMMC, a Senator of the Oliy Majlis and chairman of the Swimming Federation of Uzbekistan. For his work, he was awarded the orders "Dustlik" and "Fidokorona Hizmatlari Uchun", the honorary title " Hero of Uzbekistan "and the Gold Star medal.

The National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan congratulates Kuvandik Sanakulov on his birthday, wishes him good health and prosperity.

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